

The RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM offers a 8 bed community based, 24 hour fully supervised setting for adolescent females ages 13 up to age 17 years who are experiencing social, emotional, and/or behavioural needs. Admission is voluntary, no cost for services, however, personal support cost such as medical, transportation, education and clothing needs are requested.


  • Create a safe, positive, nurturing, living alternative
  • Promote family focused assessment, support and counseling
  • Assist in successful reintegration to family life and/or independent living
  • Engage a network of community supports for youths and families.


  • Windsor and Essex County. Appropriate referrals from other areas will be considered.
  • Referral can be made by a social agency, professionals, parents, police, the courts, schools, doctors, clergy, a friend or the girl in need.



The SUPPORTIVE APARTMENT LIVING TRANSITION (SALT) PROGRAM provides support to young adults both male and female ages 16 up to 21years and are experiencing social, emotional, and/or behavioural needs, who are placed in semi-independent supportive apartment living within the community.

Up to 2 males or females are housed in apartments within the community. Admission is voluntary. Daily contact and 24 hour on call supervision with professional staff. Youth share household responsibilities, cost towards rent, food and household supplies.


  • Teach skills needed for fulfilling responsible and independent living
  • Enhance self-esteem, identity, motivation, decision making and problem solving
  • Engage a network of community supports for youth and families.


The referral process consists of an interview with an intake worker from the program to obtain all necessary background information to determine acceptability. This is followed by an intake interview at Social Services to assess the eligibility for Ontario Student Works.

BOTH PROGRAMS emphasize individual, family and group counseling. Individual programs focus on specific needs and family counseling fostering the youth’s core network. Group activities encourage positive, healthy peer interactions, problem solving, and conflict resolution. Recreational and educational groups promote healthy, active life styles, which are all key components of both programs.